Squirrel knocks on family window every day: 8 years later they realize what she’s trying to show them

Humans and animals can have incredibly strong ties, although we must be cautious about these when it comes to wildlife. It’s more difficult to know exactly how we should behave towards wild animals, and we certainly mustn’t interfere with their natural instincts and ability to survive in the wild.

Humans and animals can have incredibly strong ties, although we must be cautious about these when it comes to wildlife. It’s more difficult to know exactly how we should behave towards wild animals, and we certainly mustn’t interfere with their natural instincts and ability to survive in the wild.

It was in 2009 that Brantly Harrison and her family discovered a four week old squirrel that was near death after having been attacked by an owl. Little did they know that this would be the beginning of a lifelong bond with the little creature.

The family brought the squirrel home and gave it food and care. They decided to call her Bella.

It didn’t take long for the Harrisons to get attached to their new little friend, writes Metro.

When Bella was well again, they released her back in the wild.

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