She ended up living on the street and searching the garbage to survive

Once a successful model and fitness teacher, Loni Willison is now a stranger navigating the streets of Los Angeles, California. This former spouse of “Baywatch” actor Jeremy Jackson was observed on Venice Beach going through garbage cans with a cart full of blankets and clothing. Her short, untidy hair and disheveled demeanor, which are hallmarks of her beautiful past, stand in stark contrast to her current state.

Loni’s troubles started in 2014 when she and the actor got divorced. She appeared to descend into depression as a result of the split’s aftermath. She struggled with the fallout while dealing with a string of bad things that happened to her, such losing her job and house and becoming addicted to drugs and alcohol.
Even with the obvious difficulties, Loni has continuously declined help, demonstrating her independence. “I am not in need of assistance. She asserted in October, “I have everything I need,” demonstrating her independence even in the face of extreme hardship.

A Synopsis of the Background

Although Loni and Jeremy were married in 2012, their union was short-lived. After the divorce, well-wishers made an effort to support her, offering her a $90,000 rehab program. However, Loni continued to be elusive, making only brief reappearances in October 2020 and Santa Monica this year.

Tragic circumstances led to her existence on the streets. Loni feared eviction in 2018 following her divorce from Jackson in 2014. She had no support network, and her mental state declined. She had previously worked as a nurse at a Los Angeles facility that performed cosmetic surgery before going into real estate. Her time in real estate, regrettably, too came to an abrupt end when her employer purportedly refused to pay her. According to reports, she became addicted to methamphetamine.

Her divorce from Jeremy was further clouded by reports of domestic violence. Loni added another layer of stress to her already terrible experiences when she described an uncomfortable incident in which she thought she saw him outside her apartment.

Street Difficulties

For Loni, life on the streets hasn’t been kind. She tells stories of frequent thefts, highlighting how people around her are really survivalists. “People will do anything to survive,” she said, describing the depressing reality she faced every day.

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