Heartfelt Stories That Show First Love Never Fades

People often say that first love is the purest. For some, it’s just a nice memory, but for others, it becomes a lifelong relationship. No matter what happens, stories about first love are always interesting.

The Story:

I was in love with my classmate but didn’t know how to tell her. Instead, I teased her. At graduation, I messed up by making a mean joke. Then I moved to another city, finished college, and tried to date other women, but it didn’t work out.

After 5 years, my classmates planned a reunion. I saw her there, and she looked even more beautiful! I did the craziest thing in my life: I asked her to marry me in front of everyone. She said yes, and our classmates were shocked.

Later, I found out she loved me too. Now we’re happy. We got married quickly, had 2 beautiful children, and recently celebrated 10 years of marriage. We love each other more every day. I only regret the 5 years we lost.

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