Man saves puppies but quickly realizes his big mistake

What was supposed to be a clean-up of the garden turned into an eventful day for a man named Craig Mcgettrick and his co-worker.

Under an old mattress they were planning to get rid of for some time, they found a litter of puppies. The little ones seemed to be abandoned as their mother was nowhere to be seen.

They waited for some time but to no avail.

It was then that Craig assumed someone who knew they would be moving the mattress left them there on purpose.

Unable to take care of five puppies, Craig and his friend decided it would be for the best if they took the little ones to the nearest shelter.

They bought a huge box and headed towards the shelter. However, before leaving the puppies, they took some photos of them that they later uploaded on their social media. The shelter did the same, praising Craig for saving the babies.

However, a week passed by and someone who knew animals all too well realized that the babies weren’t in fact puppies, and everything took a completely different turn.

“A very sweet lady found us on Facebook and sent us images of these puppies and asked us if there was any chance that they were, in fact, fox puppies,” the shelter wrote.

After further inspection it was determined that the puppies were in fact baby foxes.

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