Found this at a yard sale but I have no idea what it is. Thoughts?

It began innocently enough, a casual scroll through a Facebook group for moms, seeking advice and camaraderie. A photo caught your eye — a radiant woman hugging your husband. Confusion and disbelief washed over you. How could your spouse be so intimately connected with a stranger?

Navigating to her profile, a series of pictures painted a startling picture of your husband’s double life. Candid snapshots captured shared moments, secret rendezvous, and a level of familiarity that left you questioning your marriage’s authenticity.

Fueled by emotions ranging from anger to heartbreak, you confronted the woman behind the photos. To your surprise, she revealed she had no knowledge of your existence. She too believed she was in an exclusive relationship with your husband. Their shared moments were part of a life filled with dreams and stolen kisses.WATCH BELOW

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