My spouse insists on being a co-owner of the house I paid for.

Even between the closest couples, disagreements over money can happen. Bethany can finally buy her own house, but she won’t let her husband co-own it with her since she used money from her family to pay for it. Her husband was mad at her decision, and what he said made her feel bad. To get help, she looked online.

This is the letter from Bethany:

“We’ve been married for eight years. We were able to rent a house because we couldn’t afford to buy one.

After my beloved dad died not long ago, I sold his old apartment and some of his most valuable things. The money I got from the sale finally let us buy our own house.

As my life partner, my husband says he should also co-own the house with me.

When I said no, he said, “Then you should use your money to pay me back for all the rent I’ve paid over the years.” Since you lived with me but didn’t help pay the bills, at least half of it.”
He then said, “If you refuse, then maybe we should think again about our marriage and our future together,” which scared me.
I haven’t worked since we got married because I took care of our son. For years, my husband has been our only source of income and paid the rent.
But that doesn’t mean he should automatically own the house that was bought with MY money and my dad’s money alone.

What do you believe I should do?


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