Sanctuary City Mayor Says City On Verge Of Collapse, Being Overwhelmed

As the crisis at the southern border continues and anywhere from thousands to tens of thousands of illegal immigrants and migrants flow across it every day, those cities in America that accept the illegal immigrants are starting to be overwhelmed by their massive numbers, facing the same situation inflicted upon border states like Texas. One such city is Chicago, the mayor of which, Brandon Johnson, recently warned that the city is on the verge of collapse thanks to the flood tide of illegal immigrants.

Speaking on the matter, Mayor Johnson said that Chicago’s public services are already overstressed and are on the verge of the breaking point thanks to the massive surge of illegal immigrants into the city, with the strain growing far worse as the problem has picked up.

He said, “The public good is already stressed, whether it’s our transportation system, our health care system, our education system. All of these systems are already stretched to meet the demands of families who had been here. You know, over the past seven months it’s been an incredible an incredible strain on every aspect of of city services.”

Johnson also noted, in his comments on the matter, that the city has already spent $138 million on dealing with the crisis and that the amount that will be needed to be spent will surge as the city’s winter grows colder. Further, he noted that there are already about 15,000 migrants stuffed into 27 city shelters after being bussed to Chicago from Texas.

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