After 20 years of marriage, a couple was lying in bed one evening…. when the wife felt her husband begin to touch her in ways he hadn’t in quite some time.

Although we may be in many different relationships in our life, it is our marriage that often means the most to us. It is a relationship that lasts for years, and it sometimes becomes stronger than family.

Even though we may feel that way about our significant other, there are going to be differences that occur as our relationship grows. For many of us, this means that we will not be as romantic as we were when we were dating or first married.

One woman found this out the hard way after being married for a couple of decades. Her husband suddenly started feeling around under the covers, but it led to some unexpected results.

After two decades of marriage, a couple lay in bed one evening, when the wife felt her husband’s touch in ways he hadn’t used in quite some time. It was almost ticklish as his fingers began at her neck and then ventured downward past the small of her back.

His hand glided across her shoulders and neck, proceeding to move down one side and then the other, finally pausing just above her lower stomach. He then gently placed his hand on her left inner arm, caressed downward, tracing the curve of her side, and passed his touch over and between her buttocks, continuing down to her calf.

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